Trusting God is a lifelong journey.
Go within and there you will find the truth.
Search Thyself Within is a blog for spiritual seekers looking for hope and healing through trusting in God's wisdom and discovering their self-identity. Dr. Kathy has over 25 years of experience working with clients who have been horrifically abused, physically, emotionally, and sexually. Neglected and abandoned as children, and wrongly judged and diagnosed by others. It is her passion to share her many experiences providing practical tips, spiritual guidance, and resources to empower her readers to heal within.
Hi! I'm Dr. Kathy
I'm Dr. Kathy Lacina
Spiritual Counselor
Dream Therapist
I'm the Founder of Search Thyself Within. I am here to support you on your Journey as your Spiritual Counselor, Coach & Dream Therapist
It's time for a change, and there are those who seek such a change. I feel the pressure once again to use my gifts as prophet, spiritual counselor and dream interpreter to help the hungry and lost souls who have quenched their faith because of the disillusionment within the church, (it’s religious jargon, politics, abuse of power etc.). I feel the need to challenge the minds of believers to let go of the toxic waste in our minds and spirit and be empowered by searching the soul within. Let go of all that does not serve you. Let go of your self-imposed limits, feeling comfortable in a depressed state of mind. It's time to let go of false guilt, media hype, the lies we have come to believe and allow God to do his work in you. I feel we are being squeezed from above and being tried by fire, internally shifted through the trauma and chaos around us. Please see OUR MISSION
Page for more information. Thank you for dropping by.
Study to shew thyself
approved unto God
2Timothy 2:15
Our Mission
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, 2Timothy 2:15
It is my compassion, my calling and my purpose to help those who have been abused, mistreated, and mentally disabled within the Church Body. I hope to reach a larger scale of individuals as my own health is wearing me down and the mission has just begun. There are literally millions of individuals who have suffered physical, sexual and exotional abuse and the mental health system is far too burdened to help them. If we could stand together and learn the tools that God has given us, apply them to yourself then pay it forward to others, we will have done a good thing. Lets start 12 step recovery groups for the abused and disabled. Lets not shun these individuals and ignore their pain any longer. I have never turned away an indivdual in need nor will I ever as Long as I can still breathe. This is not just my mission, it is our future.
The soul speaks, “If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, prepared to do any good work. Mankind needs to come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.”
It’s time to stop being manipulated by society, political influence, marketing schemes, and religious jargon. I’m often surprised how seldom we as humans, thoroughly examine our thoughts or actions. We don’t think before we speak, nor think about the consequences of our behaviors. We simply act on preconceived notions without question.
It’s time to grow up spiritually. Its time to integrate spirituality in our daily lives. Let’s examine ourselves with courage, with a desire to heal the soul and grow the spirit. Search Thyself is about personal development on all levels of consciousness. We must begin to challenge our thoughts, our belief system, our spiritual connection to a higher power.
What do you believe to be truth and why do you believe it? Why do you run away from God? This site is to challenge you to think about who you really are. Who are you as a person now and where are you headed in the future? What are your goals in life? What changes are occurring in your life because of the chaos in the world?
We have been given so many chances to make changes, yet we stay in a dysfunctional cycle. Why do you suppose that is? It’s time to let go and step into a higher (deeper) level of consciousness. Don’t go back to sleep while this door is open. This past century has been an acceleration of chaos as a wake-up call to all mankind. Not all are listening nor care to see the reality.
If ever there was a time to let, go and allow God to move in your life… that time is now. The more you resist it, or live in your head about it, the harder it will feel. The more you can allow this energetic/spiritual/physical upgrade, the easier and more amazing you will experience your transformation and success.
Self-examination can bring into fruition our deepest and most authentic desires for ourselves and for the world around us. It’s about each person finding their inner wholeness, bridging your carnal nature with a higher spiritual consciousness, balancing your own inner masculine and feminine qualities without shame.
Many people all over the world are being tested to draw the line in the sand regarding listening to what your soul is asking for and what attachment you must let go of to receive healing. Know that you’re capable, you came here at this time to receive your healing. On a deeper level you knew exactly what to expect, as this is merely a part of the journey.
Trust the process of Spiritual enlightenment. Step into the darkness of the soul in order to find the light within. Find the kingdom within by self-examination and soul searching. I am here to help. I will challenge your thoughts and your beliefs only for YOU to decide what is truth.
Be your own therapist with the help of a coach. The serenity prayer helped me often on my daily journey of self-discovery, maybe it will help you too.